Kauma Arts is about enabling and creating a supportive connected community that harnesses the power of exchanging knowledge with integrity, to impact change globally. There are three ways to engage:
01. Creative hub
The Creative hub is a digital network and a starting point to relate and cultivate purposeful connections and collaborations. It is free to join. Once you are in, you can enjoy welcome breaks on the move across countries in Africa, UK/Europe, The Americas and more. You can also register for a series of bespoke programmes and experiences, designed creatively to share ideas, raise voices, give back, celebrate and belong wherever you are.
Click here to join +
02. Consultancy
Consultancy is bespoke and tailored to raising awareness and a better understanding of working with the business of creative arts rooted in traditional and contemporary Africa in various settings across countries. We provide consultancy built on years of skill, work experience and successful delivery of flagship programmes for both individuals and companies.
Learn more here +
03. Charity
Charity is a key principle for Kauma Arts, built on a foundation of being able to give back to the community that nurtures and enriches us to become who we are. As creatives we constantly borrow from and stand on the shoulders of those that have been before us.
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