Cool down from my early morning Stretch,Tone and Dance £2
Every Monday morning: 6.30am -7.30am £2
Tuesday: 6pm-7.30pm £5
Wednesday Morning: 6.30am-7.30am African Wake Up Dance £2
Thursday: 6pm -7.30pm Contemporary/ Modern Dance development class £5
Friday: 6.30am -7.30am Ballet/Contemporary Class £2
Friday: 6pm -7pm Zumba £5
Alison Ray MA…Read More -
The Flyer form for the performance at the BCA, I am looking connect with International Organisations to tour this work and deliver workshops linked to the work.
Presently, creating the “Unknown Soldier” based on the history of the Black British War Veterans who fought WW1 & WW11. These soldier came from the Carribbean, Africa and the UK, the narrative is develop to the instalation/Performance of Dance, Text, Live Music and images. We were scheduled to perform at the Black Cultural Archives, but covid-19…Read More
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